Pharo Syntax in a Nutshell

Damien Cassou, Stéphane Ducasse and Luc Fabresse

Getting a Feel About Syntax

Give you the general feel to get started:

This lecture is an overview

No stress if you do not get it right now!

We will repeat in future lectures

The Complete Syntax on a Postcard

No need to understand everything! But "everything" is on this screen :)

exampleWithNumber: x
  "This method illustrates the complete syntax."

  | y |
  true & false not & (nil isNil)
    ifFalse: [ self halt ].
  y := self size + super size.
  #($a #a 'a' 1 1.0)
    do: [ :each | Transcript
            show: (each class name);
            show: (each printString);
            show: ' ' ].
  ^ x < y

Hello World

'Hello World' asMorph openInWindow

We send the message asMorph to a string and obtain a graphical element that we open in a window by sending it the message openInWorld

Getting the Pharo Logo from the Web

(ZnEasy getPng: '')
   asMorph openInWindow

Syntactic Elements

comment "a comment"
character $c $# $@
string 'lulu' 'l''idiot'
symbol (unique string) #mac #+
literal array #(12 23 36)
integer 1, 2r101
real 1.5 6.03e-34,4, 2.4e7
boolean true, false
(instances of True and False)
undefined nil
(instance of UndefinedObject)
point 10@120

Essential Constructs

[ :x | x + 2 ] value: 5
> 7 

Essence of Pharo Computation

Three Kinds of Messages to Minimize Parentheses

Message Precedence

(Msg) > Unary > Binary > Keywords

This order minimizes () needs

But let us start with messages

Sending an Unary Message

receiver selector


10000 factorial

We send the message factorial to the object 10000

Sending a Binary Message

receiver selector argument


1 + 3

We send the message + to the object 1 with the object 3 as argument

Sending a Keyword Message

receiver keyword1: arg1 keyword2: arg2

equivalent to C like syntax

receiver.keyword1keyword2(arg1, arg2)

Example: Sending an HTTP Request

ZnClient new
 url: '';
 queryAt: 'title' put: 'Pharo';
 queryAt: 'action'  put: 'edit';

Messages are Everywhere!

Conditionals are also Message Sends

  "Answer the factorial of the receiver."
  self = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ 1 ].
  self > 0 ifTrue: [ ^ self * (self - 1) factorial ].
  self error: 'Not valid for negative integers'

You can read their implementation, this is not magic!

Loops are also Message Sends

1 to: 4 do: [ :i| Transcript << i ]
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4

With Iterators

We ask the collection to perform the iteration on itself

#(1 2 -4 -86)
  do: [ :each | Transcript show: each abs printString ; cr ]
> 1
> 2
> 4
> 86

Blocks Look like Functions

fct(x) = x*x+3

fct := [ :x | x * x + 3 ]


fct value: 2


[ :each | Transcript show: each abs printString ; cr ]

Block Usage

#(1 2 -4 -86) 
  do: [ :each | Transcript show: each abs printString ; cr ]
> 1
> 2
> 4
> 86

Class Definition Template

Class Definition within the IDE

Method Definition

   "comment stating purpose of message"

  | temporary variable names |

Method Definition Example

Messages Summary

3 kinds of messages:

Message Priority:

