An Overview of Essential Collections

Damien Cassou, Stéphane Ducasse and Luc Fabresse

What You Will Learn

Collection Common Attributes

Most Common Collections

Essential Collection In a Nutshell

Common API Overview

Common messages work on all collections

  1. creation: with: anElt, with:with:, withAll: aCollection
  2. accessing: size, at: anIndex, at: anIndex put: anElt
  3. testing: isEmpty, includes: anElt, contains: aBlock,
  4. adding: add: anElement, addAll: aCollection
  5. removing: remove: anElt, remove: anElt ifAbsent: aBlock, removeAll: aCollection
  6. enumerating: do: aBlock, collect: aBlock, select: aBlock, reject: aBlock, detect: aBlock, ...
  7. converting: asBag, asSet, asOrderedCollection, asSortedCollection, asArray

Variable Size Object Creation

Array new: 4
> #(nil nil nil nil)
Array new: 2
> #(nil nil)
(OrderedCollection new: 1000)

With Specific Elements

OrderedCollection withAll: #(7 7 3 13)
> an OrderedCollection(7 7 3 13)
Set withAll: #(7 7 3 13)
> a Set( 7 3 13)

Remember: no duplicate in Sets

Creation with Default Value

OrderedCollection new: 5 withAll: 'a' 
> an OrderedCollection('a' 'a' 'a' 'a' 'a')

First Element Starts At 1

#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') at: 2
> 'hates'

#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') asOrderedCollection  at: 2 
> 'hates'

Collections can be Heterogenous

Collections can contain any sort of objects

#('calvin' (1 2 3))
> #('calvin' #(1 2 3))
| s |
s := Set new. 
s add: Set new; 
    add: 1;
    add: 2.
s asArray 
> an Array(1 2 a Set())


#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') 
     do: [ :each | Transcript show: each ; cr ]


#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') size
> 3

is equivalent to

((Array new: 3) 
    at: 1 put: 'Calvin'; 
    at: 2 put: 'hates'; 
    at: 3 put: 'Suzie') size
> 3

Accessing Elements

Getting the size of a collection

#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') size
> 3

Accessing the 2nd element using at: anIndex

#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') at: 2
> 'hates'

Remember collection index starts at 1

Accessing Out of Bounds Elements

#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') at: 55
> SubscriptOutOfBounds Error

Modifying Elements

Use the message at: anIndex put: anObject

Modifying the second element of the receiver

#('Calvin' 'hates' 'Suzie') at: 2 put: 'loves'
> #('Calvin' 'loves' 'Suzie')

Literal Arrays

Literal arrays contain objects that have a textual (literal) representation: numbers, strings, nil, symbols

#(45 'milou' 1300 true #tintin)
> #(45 'milou' 1300 true #tintin)

They are instances of the class Array

#(45 38 1300 8) class
> Array

Literals Arrays are Array Instances

Literal arrays are equivalent to a dynamic version

A literal array

#(45 38 'milou' 8) 
> #(45 38 'milou' 8) 

An array

Array with: 45 with: 38 with: 'milou' with: 8
> #(45 38 'milou' 8) 


| ordCol |
ordCol := OrderedCollection new.
ordCol add: 'Reef'; add: 'Pharo'; addFirst: 'Pharo'.
> an OrderedCollection('Pharo' 'Reef' 'Pharo')
ordCol add: 'Seaside'.
> an OrderedCollection('Pharo' 'Reef' 'Pharo' 'Seaside')


#('Pharo' 'Reef' 'Pharo' 'Pharo') asOrderedCollection
> an OrderedCollection('Pharo' 'Reef' 'Pharo' 'Pharo')


#('Pharo' 'Reef' 'Pharo' 'Pharo') asSet
> a Set('Pharo' 'Reef')
Set with: (Set with: 1) with: (Set with: 2)


Collections can be converted simply to other collections





Dictionary Creation

| days |
days := Dictionary new. 
  at: #January put: 31;
  at: #February put: 28;
  at: #March put: 31.  

Alternate Dictionary Creation

| days |
days := Dictionary new. 
  at: #January put: 31;
  at: #February put: 28;
  at: #March put: 31.  

is equivalent to

{ #January -> 31.
  #February -> 28.
  #March -> 31} asDictionary


(#January -> 31) key 
> #January
(#January -> 31) value
> 31

Dictionary Access

  | days |
  days := Dictionary new. 
    at: #January put: 31;
    at: #February put: 28;
    at: #March put: 31.  
  days at: #January 
  > 31 

  days at: #NoMonth
  > KeyNotFound Error

  days at: #NoMonth ifAbsent: [0]
  > 0 

Dictionary Iteration

days do: [ :each | Transcript show: each ;cr ] 



Why? Because

Dictionary >> do: aBlock

  ^self valuesDo: aBlock

Keys and Values Iteration

days keysAndValuesDo: 
  [ :k :v | Transcript show: k asString, ' has ',  v printString, ' days' ; cr ] 


  January has 31 days
  February has 28 days
  March has 31 days

