Inheritance and Lookup

2: Lookup

Damien Cassou, Stéphane Ducasse and Luc Fabresse



Message Sending

Sending a message is a two-step process:

  1. look up the method matching the message
  2. execute this method on the receiver

Method Lookup

The lookup starts in the class of the receiver then:

  • if the method is defined in the class, it is returned
  • otherwise the search continues in the superclass

Some Lookup Cases

Sending the message color to aColoredRectangle

Some Lookup Cases

Sending the message area to aColoredRectangle

self Always Represents the Receiver

A new foo
> ...
B new foo
> ...

self Always Represents the Receiver

A new foo
> 10
B new foo
> 50

What is self/this?

Take 5 min and write the definition of self (this in Java).


self Always Represents the Receiver

A new bar
> ...
B new bar
> ...

self Always Represents the Receiver

A new bar
> 10
B new bar
> 50

self Always Represents the Receiver

    B new bar
    > 50

Evaluation of aB bar

  1. aB's class is B
  2. no method bar in B
  3. look up in A - bar is found
  4. method bar is executed
  5. self refers to the receiver aB
  6. foo is sent to self
  7. look up foo in the aB's class: B
  8. foo is found there and executed

self Always Represents the Receiver

    A new bar
    > ...
    B new bar
    > ...
    C new bar
    > ...

self Always Represents the Receiver

    A new bar
    > 10
    B new bar
    > 10
    C new bar
    > 50

What You Should Know
