Files in Pharo

Damien Cassou, Stéphane Ducasse and Luc Fabresse

What You Will Learn

Getting Started

Some standard directories

FileLocator home.   "User's home directory (~)"
FileLocator root.   "File system's root (/)"
FileLocator C.      "Windows C:\"

Accessing the children of a directory

| home |
home := FileLocator home.

home pathString
> '/home/cassou/'

home children
> an Array({home}/.bashrc {home}/Music ...)

Navigating Up and Down

Use message / to build a path

(home / 'Music') directories
> an Array({home}/Music/Anouar_Brahem ...)

Use parent to go up

(home / 'Music') parent pathString
> '/home/cassou/'

Creating and Removing Directories

| music |
music := FileLocator home / 'Music'.
(music / 'Pink_Floyd') isDirectory.
> false

(music / 'Pink_Floyd') ensureCreateDirectory.
(music / 'Pink_Floyd') isDirectory.
> true

(music / 'Pink_Floyd') delete.
(music / 'Pink_Floyd') isDirectory
> false

Finding Children

(pinkFloyd / 'Meddle') allChildrenMatching: '*.ogg'.

is equivalent to

(pinkFloyd / 'Meddle') allChildren
   select: [ :each | each basename endsWith: 'ogg' ]

Getting Information

| pharo |
pharo := 'pharo5.image' asFileReference.

pharo isFile.
> true

pharo basename
> 'pharo5.image'

pharo extension
> 'image'

pharo size
> 23744868

pharo parent pathString
> '/home/cassou/Pharo/images/pharo5'

Writing to a File

| hello stream |
hello := 'hello.txt' asFileReference.
hello exists
> false

stream := hello writeStream.
stream nextPutAll: 'Hello World'.
stream close.

Reading from a File

| hello stream |
hello := 'hello.txt' asFileReference.
hello exists
> true

stream := hello readStream.
stream next.
> $H

stream upToEnd.
> 'ello World'

stream close

Automatically Closing File Streams

| hello |
hello := 'hello.txt' asFileReference.


hello writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
   stream nextPutAll: 'Hello World'].


hello readStreamDo: [ :stream | stream contents ]
> 'Hello World'

What You Should Know
