Seaside: An Innovative Web Application Framework
Damien Cassou, Stéphane Ducasse and Luc Fabresse
- A powerful, innovative and flexible framework
- Dedicated to build complex Web applications
- Live coding and debugging
- Support reusable Web components
- Secure by default
- Web 2.0 support (Ajax, Reef, ...)
- REST integration
Books and Tutorials
- Community: register to seaside mailing list and ask questions
Seaside Little History
- Developed by A. Bryant and J. Fitzell
- Enhanced by L. Renggli and P. Marshall
- In production since 2002
- Actively maintained by J. Brichau, S. Eggermont (web site under full rewrite)
- Foundation of many Pharo success stories
Seaside in a Nutshell
- Define reusable and stateful components
- Use a DSL for rendering components
- Compose components
- build coarser-grained components by encaspulation
- schedule components with
and answer:
- A web application is just a root component
- Debug your application on the fly
- Use metadata to generate forms
Seaside in Production Since 2002
Cable eXpertise
Quuve -
Seaside Components
- A component is:
- an instance of a subclass of
- a reusable and stateful part of a Web page
- rendered in HTML (<div>)
- A Web application has a root component
WAAdmin register: WACounter asApplicationAt: 'counter'.
The Counter Web Application
WAComponent subclass: #WACounter
instanceVariableNames: 'count'
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'Seaside-Examples-Misc'.
WACounter >> initialize
super initialize.
count := 0
WACounter >> increase
count := count + 1
WACounter >> decrease
count := count - 1
From Components to Valid HTML
- All components respond to
- This method converts a component to valid HTML
- This message is automatically sent to components by Seaside
HTML Rendering
is dedicated to HTML generation
- parameter named
) defines a DSL like API to generate valid HTML
WACounter >> renderContentOn: html
html heading: count.
html anchor
callback: [ self increase ];
with: '++'.
html space.
html anchor
callback: [ self decrease ];
with: '--'
Live Debugging
self haltIf: (count-1 < 0).
count := count - 1
Walking the Application Stack
Back Button
Pressing the back button of the browser desynchronizes server and client
- Increment the counter 5 times (
= 5)
- Press the back button => the displayed value is 4
- Increment the counter => the displayed value is 6
How to make it work properly?
A Counter Dealing with Back Button
Just declare the component state to be preserved
WACounter >> states
^ Array with: self
Plain Code in Callbacks
WACounter >> renderContentOn: html
html heading: count.
html anchor
callback: [
count odd
ifTrue: [ self increase ]
ifFalse: [
self inform: 'Even number!'.
count := count + 2]
with: '++'.
html space.
html anchor
callback: [ self decrease ];
with: '--'
Callback Execution
Pressing ++
A Greeter Application
Callbacks with the User Value
A Greeter
Greeter >> renderContentOn: html
html form: [
html text: 'Username:'.
html textInput
callback: [ :value | username := value ].
html submitButton
callback: [ self inform: 'Hi ', username ];
text: 'Say Hello'. ].
Did you see?!
- No manual request parsing
- No XML configuration files
- No file/page
- don't think in terms of pages
- use components
- No hardcoding of next page
- Live Debugging
- use the debugger to modify objects and proceed to generate the HTML response
- A Web application = a root component
- A component renders itself in HTML (
- An extensible DSL helps to easily generate HTML